Saturday 29 June 2013


Well this was a mega surprise. When I first saw the link to this news on Twitter the other day, I thought that it surely SURELY must be a joke. I mean, who could or would ever put Mr Oizo and Marilyn Manson together? They both make noisy music, sure, but other than that I was confused. I was already imagining M Manson singing a 'The Dope Show' style song alongside something like 'Gay Dentists'. I really didn't know what to expect.

In reality, the song - 'Solid' - features a rumblingly bass-heavy beat beset by frantic synths, which you would've heard from Mr Oizo before, if you are a fan, in songs like 'Positif' - the kind of song that gets everyone really worked up, pumped up, tripped out and losing their minds. In the right environment of course. Mid-set in a sweaty Paris club would be the perfect venue for this song. And what is MM's contribution? It comes in the form of a spoken vocal sample, played around with by Oizo of course, that simply says: "You look like shit when you dance".

Listen up.

It makes me feel kinda uneasy, for like the first minute, but then you really get into the beat and the sound of it, sorta sucked into that thundering bass as if it were made of molten Maoam or something. The synth totally creeps out, like an electrified version of the villain music used in silent films. It's dark, basically. And heartily electro. And I can see how it would be really easy to get crazy to this song. Except for the fact that the MM vocal sample would make me feel so self conscious that I wouldn't want to dance - what if I really DO look like shit when I dance? Do I look ok? Am I dressed like an idiot? Why am I even out? I give up.

But it's a fun song. In a sardonic way.

It comes from the upcoming Mr Oizo EP called Amicalement (it's like the French equivalent of the ubiquitous English sign-off "Best regards" or "Kind regards" or "All the best" or etc.) out 1st July. You can download it for free from his website, so get ready to do that on Monday!

Oh and if you're wondering how Mr Manson got involved with Mr Oizo, he's actually in Oizo's film Wrong Cops. Check and MM's character is right at the start of the trailer that plays when you arrive. But then we have the mystery of how THAT happened...

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