Monday 10 June 2013


Since I was for some reason unable to share the embed code from SoundCloud for this lovely song, I had to get one from a static video. Who is a fan of static videos? Is SoundCloud not... like... better than that? Sound quality goes down a little I think but... whatever. What am I waffling for? In any case here is a new song, a more-than-a-week-old-so-everybody-who-wants-to-hear-it-has-probably-heard-it song, so this is like the, I dunno, like a reminder that the song still exists. My apologies for not being more "on it" or "knowledgable".

Here is an image also, not from the current song specifically but I think it has something to do with the upcoming album. Upcoming what, you say? Album. Yes, Gold Panda has a new album coming out. It is called Half Of Where You Live and it is out 10th June on Ghostly International. Exciting.

It is seemingly the second song to seep off the new album, the first being the subliminally-geared 'Brazil', and - if these two are anything to go by - the album should be a very nice listen indeed. This song is called 'We Work Nights' - a reference perhaps to people who make music... at night?

Using various sampled sounds and instruments to the background sound of a babbling brook or something equally watery (could just be a turntable sound), G Panda shows us his pure and smooth vision of a very liquid soundscape. The various noises merge into one another, cascade together over a beat that is built like a Lego house - one new sound at a time. As soon as we get used to the gloriously hip-hop stop-start strings that underpin everything, we have a harp undulating like actual magic and something else stringy and bendy, something Oriental-sounding.

It builds up into a mystical misty mountain kinda sound, water vapour rising from trees and birds combing the skies in sweeping arcs, that kinda sound. A very lush song, with a break like a diving off a waterfall into a pool before resurfacing into the exotic medley of sounds that G Panda has created. It is fresh and it is a very evocative song that paints pictures and gently tugs at your imagination to work. Very nice. Is that ok? Looking forward to album.

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