Wednesday 6 November 2013


Maybe the title of this track is influenced or inspired at least by William S. Burroughs collection of short stories Interzone (or maybe just the place mentioned in his more-famous Naked Lunch) - maybe it's not. Either way, although it's nice to know details like this, we shouldn't get tied up in the details.

I found out that an artist from Orlando, Florida, called Fortune Howl (whom I'd not heard of before) is releasing a remix version to his album Earthbound. Again my curiosity was piqued: What? Did he mean Earthbound as in the really cool SNES game Earthbound? Getting distracted again. In any case, this remix album is scheduled for release on label Relief in Abstract and, I've read, includes remixes from artists such as London Shibuya-kei enthusiast bo en and merchant of ultimate chill XXYYXX, amongst others.

One of these remixes is by Bwoy De Bhajan, the subject of this post right here. He's an 19-year-old beatsmith from Copenhagen called Søren Thygesen who already has his own distinct style of abstract experimentalism that's sure to turn a few heads as time goes on (he himself describes it as "mind bending glitched out ethnic bouncy abstract whompy bass music" which is pretty much on the nose). He's remixed 'Interzone Export': a watery, ballad-like, somewhat epic number in its original form, turned now into something from another dimension.

Putting parts of the original to good use - the sweeping, faraway vocals, the watery noises, the snippets of acoustic guitar and those occasional tuned percussion (marimba?) flourishes - Bwoy De Bhajan puts his own spin on it. From the first crunching punch-thump of kick, river sounds ever-flowing in the background, a warm ambience pervades the song, decorated with an assortment of scratches, clanks, and gravelly crashes. The bass is finely distorted, a smooth gloss with a grainy-sand roughness to it. There is no in-your-face glitchiness here; everything is measured, the various percussion and other noises seeping into your mind rather than attacking it outright.

It's an ambient yet powerful treat that exudes a lonely-but-it's-fine-really feel, a curious vibe of necessity in being alone. Maybe it's just me. In any case you can cop this remix and more when this is released on 19th November, available for streaming & download on Fortune Howl's Bandcamp/SoundCloud pages (below).

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Listen to Bwoy De Bhajan on SoundCloud

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  1. for real, thank you for this extremely detailed review! <3

    1. you're v welcome – my pleasure! <3 good music deserves more than a few sentences :)
