Friday 12 January 2018


Shoegaze guitars stab out staccato patterns in this latest one from Tokyo musicmaker LLLL, 'Falling', a catchy cavalcade of sound that mixes those chorused guitar chords with the piercing neon ice of trance synth, and elements of pop rain down like little gemstones: the uptempo beat and its rollicking tom fills, the breezy chord progression, and not least the vocals of featuring artist U-Pistol.

Also known as Moon Mask, and previously making music under the name Ulzzang Pistol, the Manila-based producer and singer-songwriter sings with mellowed emotion, his voice crooning and fresh. He spoke to us above reverting back to his original moniker: "U-pistol still means Ulzzang pistol," he told yes/no. "Ended up shortening it because the term confuses even the people who are familiar with it. I think shortening it makes it easier for everyone to approach but the heart and meaning of the name still lives on."

His voice flows easily in the cold detachment of LLLL's overdriven drums and spectral javelins of synth, weaving warmly in and out of the sorrowjoy crush of this trance-pop-gaze cocktail, joining with the '80s flavour guitar and cinematic composition of the track to give it its lovable human heart; guitar solo at 2:47 screams virtuoso fire, emphasising the speed whilst contrasting the pop-ness of this track, echoing its title and the frustration of being in freefall.

  • 🔔 'Falling' is out today on internationalist label Zoom Lens. You can grab it here.
  • 'Falling' is taken from LLLL's forthcoming Chains Phase 4, part of his 12-month-long "Chains" project, in which a new "Chain" will be released each month, split into 4 individual EP releases courtesy of emotive electronic label ZOOM LENS. Chains Phase 4 is out 28th February.
  • The artwork was created by Brenden Savi, and reflects the twisting icy tumult that erupts almost chaotically throughout the track.
  • 🔔 Back in the early days of yes/no we received a lovely guest mix from Ulzzang Pistol, representing a cluster of Manila music talent: here is YES/NO GUEST MIX 014.

LLLL Internet Presence ☟

U-Pistol Internet Presence ☟

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