Wednesday 30 August 2017


This track is a proper little journey, a progressive electronic symphony that twists through darkness with snaking smoke twisting curling caught in angular spotlights that make cones of the thick whitegrey clouds, pulsing and strobing in time with the offbeat percussion that booms clicks and ticks for the duration. Fittingly it's called 'Sweet Honey Flows', the words which ReykjavΓ­k-based artist einarIndra sings in the choruses of this dark minimalist electronic pop song, accented with undeniable kinetic energy – but slow, aching – from its offbeat trip-hop foundation.

Synth plays a big part, fizzing and softly soothing at times, a great backdrop for the crooning vocals, both of which float into the voidsomeness going on here, the emptiness that sloshes all around and that ebbs and flows on all sides of the islets and crags of sound, a tide of dim spaciness that gives this track a moody somewhat sultry atmosphere—reminiscent of James Blake, for instance. The simple intricacy of the beat is something to get latched onto as well, with interesting rhythms between the alternating sharp sheen of the hi-hats and the full-bodied smash of snares and the thudding kicks playing in rubato triplets. It rises up later, progressing as it does into a tract of fairly intense synth buzzing and striking soulful strings, but it is restrained, maintaining its neo-noir cool, its nowhere romantic despairing flavour.

einarIndra Internet Presence ☟
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