Wednesday 19 July 2017


There is something beautiful in the attention to detail placed at the heart of this track, the little things we've their way through the luscious thickets of percussion, the ambient glistening, the robust groove that gloops underneath the breezy lounge feel that helps this track recline with ease. 'Mineral' is imbued with a boom-bap flavoured offbeat rhythm that trickles through in bass-vacuumed tracts of head-nodding percussion, a pre-chorus that settles in before the dual vocals of Kate Gurren and Sally Latter – Brisbane duo comprising OKBadlands – entwine and soar together in rich harmony, cymbals stream metallic. Below it all, deep bass scoops out a wholly legible pulse, a soft intimate sound that feels leviathan heartbeat, undeniable groove.

But aside from these ornate buttress foundations, the beat having been somewhat crafted by fellow Brisbanite Max Byrne (aka Golden Vessel), the duo create upper tier sounds that feel good enough to eat, lush flavours at work in things as simple as the little keyboard melody that glosses glassily at the intro and post-chorus areas, the high-pitched synth pings that mimic the vocal occasionally, the pulsar flutter of thin synth golden thread in the verse, the glitter in the chorus, and easily how silken smooth the vocals spiral with reverb adding to the sense of space afforded by the minimalism of the track, how open and expansive it feels yet how close-up and personal: intimacy, and its hopes for continuation indefinitely.

OKBadlands Internet Presence ☟

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