Tuesday 8 October 2013


How can something so good stay so hidden for so long? Well that's one question I ask myself about a lot of music sometimes. It's all out there, just waiting to be discovered, and there you are, all the time, waiting to be told about it, shown it, played it. One of my friends told me to check out Breton and I did but I couldn't find anything new that they've done. But then it turned out that they released a new song a few days ago so I was pretty happy to hear something new.

They're from... I don't know. They seem to have a substantial following in France but they definitely seem to be English. Who knows. You can tell me. Please do, if you know. Anyway, one thing is for sure: Breton have made a very mean-sounding, strong sound for their new single 'Got Well Soon' - the video is steeped in the amateur yet visceral atmosphere of young criminality and suits the sound perfectly. Have yourself a little watch of it. But as for the music, the first thing that jumps out is that bass synth. There's something balefully heraldic about it, in the way that it sounds a little like a horn, but there is something unnerving, something not-quite-right about it too, and that's perhaps in the slightly-trebled pitch-bending heart of this particular noise. It's the first thing that jumps out and possibly the song's most addictive sound.

Alongside this dark, gritty sound that conjures images of rudeboys walking tough, a we-mean-business atmosphere, there is a beat that is wholly disco: woodblocks clink alongside sharp hi-hats and the thumping alternation between kick & snare. The vocals, too, lend themselves to the rough-and-ready appeal that the bass already establishes, unpolished and legion as they are, summoning the dark-pavement feel of street-born chants of aggression yet with a confident laid-back swagger in the lilts of the chorus.

Clean arpeggios of electronic beeps and a fat saw-wave bass solo towards the end provide the tenets of electropop - albeit dark electropop brimming with attitude - that make this such a catchy number. Add to that the winding synth that makes you wanna turn this aaall the way up and the lush disco beat and you have 'Got Well Soon' - an honest, genreless tune that is surely only a sign of good (better?) things to come.

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