Friday 2 June 2017


We slide down this archaic manuscript of sound with the warm vintage crackle and the plink-plink-plink that speeds up into a dusty pulsar and becomes a constant, we slide and reach the end where we fly off a ramp and hurtle with a rushing whoosh into a vacancyof sky that's littered with a luscious collage of sounds looming and lilting. This is 'Lacunae' by Sydney producer Mookhi, a dose of sound that's intricate and intense, a tapestry of gleaming sounds from pealing violins and rivers of soft synth and flighty chimes, to harp sounds and robust piano, all in a plume of textured smoke, nebulous and narcotic swirling and diving and curling and writhing through a slalom of percussion that thumps with heartbeat bass and shines with sharp hi-hat sheafs and scathing abrasive virtuoso snares.

The dynamics of 'Lacunae' lie in its expert transitions: the beginning, the ramp and take-off, the initial swaying rhythm pockmarked with the reeling snare rolls and wide wheeling atmosphere with those three chords blasting out mistily, an expansive feeling; and then the mid-section where sampled voices and crunching outdoors found sounds jostle like snippets of memory; and then the sounds multiply and grow richer and resonate with wild gentleness; and it ends with those plink-plinking parts, just as it started. By this rise in intensity as it progresses, it's noticeable that crucially this track is marked by an urgency to go forward, with that persistent sample continuous from the beginning, with the impatient snare rolls, the increase in the thicketing sounds, yet it is veiled by a fog of the past – the quality of some of the sounds, the archaic record player crackle, the nostalgic warmth of it – so that the future though seemingly close at hand is out of reach.

  • 🔔 Earlier this year Mookhi aka Olympia Henshaw released a quite well received project in the form of her Lost & Found EP. You can listen to that over on her SoundCloud.
  • 🔔 'Lacunae' is the plural of lacuna which means like a gap or unfilled space. It comes from Latin where it means hole or pit and is actually the diminutive form of lacus—that's lake.

Mookhi Internet Presence ☟

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