Saturday 19 July 2014


Oooh…! Remember when I wrote about Daytrip's first track? It was called um 'Flight 43 (NYC)' that was it. It was a slice of bombastic footwork with a tasty guitar solo weaved into it somewhere. You should listen to it. More interestingly, it is the first section of a journey which lies at the heart of the very concept behind Daytrip: a round-the-world trip documented in music. So we've been on Flight 43 via NYC – where next?

Well the New Yorkers behind Daytrip – a duo comprising of DenZ and David Hugh Cosby – have taken us to Kingston, Jamaica, to see how they do over there. Home of reggae, rapping (via 'toasting' or 'chatting', when the DJ talks/chants over a beat; via West African 'griots' or poet-storytellers), ska, dub, dancehall, Jamaica is the perfect stop-off for a pair who at least seem to like their bass tasty and their beats meaty.

I wonder how they actually got to make any music because there are a lot of pictures of them partying. (Yes it's not just conceptual, it's a living, in-practice, physical trip to another place: check their Tumblr). Anyway! Listen! This is 'Drop It'.

Mmmm it basically goes off. Crunchy synth mixes with tides of infra-bass and booming kicks in a celebration of the low end of the spectrum, the beat swaggering and swaying in between aggressive collections of snare hits and wind-up hi-hat freneticism. And rightly so – it fits the no-nonsense party atmosphere of the song, with dancehall vocals (for the most part) inciting the crowd to lust-laden dancing. Airhorns abound in occasional patches, as do jostling glitches and stutterings in the track, decorating this track, which is essentially dancehall-trap if I'm allowed to suggest that.

Raps from Lil Silk and Yung Burrakami keep things fresh and add more voices to the track, giving it this bustling, busy appeal – just by listening to it you feel like you're out dancing in a sweaty sweaty crowd in a chaotic club. Looked at in the context of the series of daytrips themselves, the first was a triumphant, soaring introduction, but this second leg is a more settled, established sound, something achieved by aiming for a collaborative effort, perhaps. It's also a nice indication of how the duo will pick up and adopt the sounds of whatever locale they happen to find themselves in, making this a v followable series.

NYC → Kingston → ????? — I'm looking forward to it!

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