Wednesday 11 April 2018


From literally the first few seconds of 'Canal' we're dropped into an ultrachill atmosphere, one that begins smooth and viscous, hefty on the sub-bass and the lounge-flavoured piano that meanders throughout—and which turns cinematic, with flashes of freewheeling strings that zing on beds of wide warm synth; this morphs into a tract of hard-boiled electronica, with wibbly synths and brash columns of synth-bass buzzing beneath. Canadian musicmaker Anomalie sets us floating down this chilled flow, actual water noises and waves washing on sand interspersed throughout.

And besides the obvious chill of this track there's the dynamism of it all – very much helped by the rattle and thump of the prodigious drums ; the way it sways between different atmospheres and different textures, being neon bubbling contemporary synth jam one moment before reverting to peals of kinetic piano the next: the corollary being this contemporary nocturne, a highly polished, ornately sculptured piece of noir that remains light instead of weighed down by the world. The six seconds between 2:24 and 2:30, with the piano's motif at the end before those synth chords again, sums up the playful virtuoso and expansive subdued nature of 'Canal', sitting somewhere at the juncture between gorgeous inactivity and exciting hyperactivity.

  • ๐Ÿ”” This wonderful slice of classy piano is taken from Anomalie's upcoming second EP, Mรฉtropole Part II (out 13th April), the follow-up to last year's Mรฉtropole EP, which featured tracks like the well balanced jazz of 'New Space' and the elastic 'No Way'.
  • ๐Ÿ”” You can download and stream 'Canal' variously here.
  • ๐Ÿ”” The artwork was created by fellow Montreal resident Ali Hassanein.

Anomalie Internet Presence ☟
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