Sunday 3 July 2016

TOYOMU – 深い川

– Evolution is always an intriguing thing in music; how you can be listening to something with a particular theme one minute that can be, with fluid motion and simple addition and subtraction of elements like instruments and amplitude, transformed quite utterly into something different. With this track, '深い川' (fukai kawa—"deep river" in Japanese, and maybe referring to the novel of the same name by Shusako Endo), what begins as something small and potentially cutesy ends up growing and building exponentially.

Created by Kyoto-based musicmaker called TOYOMU, '深い川' is in its beginnings gentle and quiet, a sample on loop, a slow-march of a beat, but with gradually creeping strings and warm, heavy bass, echoing harp it transforms through a suspenseful dreamland of melancholy, finally arriving at an unexpected space of haunting wonder, made huge and powerful with grand brass sounds, an intensification of the sweeping strings, the ticking hi-hat keeping officious time, modern touches with blooping synth and occasional bulge of sub-bass, and the drums, bridging the gap between "classical" and "modern", old and new—between somewhat traditional (the Okami soundtrack springs to mind) and simple genreless, timeless creation: painting a picture using the palette of your own experience.

Fittingly, in the description of the track it's written (I am unable to translate it properly, but the general gist is: "old things, important, but also new things. i want to see much more"):


  • This is taken from TOYOMU's 印象V : そうだ、京都。 (Kyoto Music) [Impression V: Oh yes, Kyoto], an album released at the start of June which you can listen to, buy and/or download over here. The above quotation, in Japanese, is

TOYOMU's Social Media Presence ☟

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